Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 6: Going to NCSU

Today was a light day; all we did was pick up some fecal samples from domestic horses (at the university's barn) and drop it all off at the lab on campus that I will be working in on Monday. Now we have samples from both wild and domestic horses, so I will be able to compare the two regarding parasites, which will hopefully help me accomplish one of my goals! It will be interesting to see if the domestic horses have any parasites; they shouldn't because they have been dewormed on a regular basis. I have no idea how many parasites the wild horses will have, though, because the cold weather might cause them to have very few. We will just have to see on Monday!

After we got back from NCSU, we all went to the park (including Bear, the black lab puppy) to go for a hike. Here are a couple pictures:

From left to right: Sam (11), Mark (4), and Mary (6)

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